Ep. 35 September Energy Forecast: Virgo Season Structure, Pisces Lunar Eclipse, Time for Transformation

In this episode, Emily unpacks the collective themes for the energy of September that you can expect for the month ahead! Emily also shares some personal updates and business updates for the month of September. This is a collective energy forecast that Emily channeled through the Akashic Records. As with all channeled information, take what resonates with you and leave the rest. 

Some of the themes for the collective energy in September include:

  •  Eclipse season begins with a lunar eclipse in Pisces on 9/18
  •  Prepare for eclipse season with grounded virgo structure, support, discipline
  •  Unpacking your relationship with transitions
  •  Shifting your mindset on change, transformation, growth, and “doing the hard thing”
  •  Feeling your feelings and regulating your nervous system to support your journey
  •  Harvesting abundance and seeing things come to fruition  


Resources Mentioned:

Eclipse Survival Guide: https://youtu.be/TCZtOhEBgHI?si=NvPEmZh99XkfgaJE


Offerings Mentioned:


Connect with Emily:

Find her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilythemystic/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/emilythemystic

Website and offerings: https://www.emilythemystic.com/

Schedule a session with Emily: https://calendly.com/emilyloganlewis

Join the Membership: https://www.emilythemystic.com/membership

FREE Meditations and Intuition Activator Challenge: https://www.emilythemystic.com/free-resources

Akashic Records Training: https://www.emilythemystic.com/akashic-records-training